Friday, June 3, 2011

Piece 2 Intro: Revision Required

As soon as I read "could benefit from a rewrite" I knew which piece to choose. The timed writing assignment likely was my most difficult to complete. Normally I put off assignments until the last minute, and only spend an hour on them, so it would seem like such a timed event would be easy for me. Most people I talk to about homework and such think I procrastinate to the extreme. The truth of the matter is that I spend a lot of time contemplating assignments before I even start them. After looking at the assignment from every possible angle, I'll wait until an idea comes to me and then start to lay out the entire paper in my mind. My writing ability is actually fairly high (unless I'm just arrogant) but I have never been able to actually force it. Until I know what the assignment is in detail there is no way for me to properly think about it and direct my writer's instincts.

Having only an hour to write a full paper left me with no time for thought, only work. I started out strong, but as I got closer to the end and the deadline, my writing became less focused and far weaker. There are several parts of the assignment that I ended up leaving out entirely, like referencing the group discussions. In the end I wish I could rewrite this entire paper, with an entirely different approach to it. Unfortunately, I just don't have that kind of time, so I simply edited the final two paragraphs.

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