Friday, June 3, 2011

Piece 3 Intro: Audience and Voice

I ran into quite a bit of difficulty selecting this piece. Partly because I chose the pieces for my portfolio backwards, starting with the fourth, which is also the piece which would fit best here. It seems like so many of my posts in the DBs, and just in general for everybody, ended up with only one type of reply. Responses either agreed or disagreed. For this post especially I got a lot of people agreeing with me. In a way it is ironic that for a post on pop culture, I found what would appeal to the masses and put it into words. A number of people gave their own personal experiences and feelings as evidence to how I was right, but there was no real analysis of my ideas or ensuing discussions.

There is an acronym common on the internet: TL;DR. It stands for too long; didn't read. The most important thing to understand about forums and discussion boards online is that people don't like reading big blocks of text all at once. Even if some content has to be left out, keeping posts short ensures that the audience will actually read it, instead of skipping to the end and hoping to find a short conclusion or summary. I did my best to keep my post short and to the point. Posting an essay and then expecting others to post an essay in response is asking far too much of the audience. Reading through all of the posts on the DBs we have worked on just reaffirms that idea. Most responses were kept fairly short, and on average shorter posts ended up with more responses.

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